Thursday, May 15, 2014

When Life Gives you Lemons!

This past week I was responsible for giving a lesson (Relief Society Activity)  on useful household ways to use lemons. Thanks to Pinterest I found dozens of ways to use lemons, and it turns out I actually LOVED all the interesting facts, even enough to ACTUALLY do them!!.. I'm so pleased that I've decided to share what I found:)

Some of my Quick Favorites:

Clean your Wood cutting board:
Squeeze lemon juice onto your wood cutting board, add salt and scrub. Let it sit for awhile before rinsing. Seriously how cool is this? Wood cutting boards are sort of gross. I mean they absorb tastes and smells and can hold bacteria. But now I can clean it without worrying I'm poisoning my family by using hard chemicals on it!

You know all those hard water spots on your glass shower door, or the faucets, or how about your knives and silver wear?? --Waalaa! Add pure lemon juice and scrub. Eats it right off!!

Because I hate using bleach: First off bleach is so extremely toxic, second its hard on your washing machine and your clothes and third lemons smell better and its cheaper!
-- So instead  add 12 cups of water, 1/4 cup of lemons juice and I cup of hydrogen peroxide..  Now you can use this in a spray bottle to clean counters, or add 2 cups to your whites, or spot treat one of your favorite white tops:)

Everyday disinfectant-
Fill a container with cut up lemon peels and add vinegar to cover the peels. Seal your container with a tight-fitting lid and put it away and forget about it for two weeks. After two weeks, strain the lemon peels from the vinegar then add water (about 50/50 ratio).

Just a few Extra's if your interested:)

Cut grease- Lemon is a natural corrosive with the power to cut grease. Simply make a solution of lemon and water,  spray onto grease and wipe clean.

Clean the Microwave- Fill a microwave safe bowl with water, cut a lemon in half and squeeze juice into the water, then put the lemon skin side up into the bowl. Cook for about five minutes. Carefully remove bowl and wipe down the microwave with a damp cloth. 

Dishwasher- To get rid of the odor in your dishwasher place a cup of lemon juice on the bottom rack of an empty dishwasher and run the rinse cycle. Your dishwasher will be effectively deodorized and cleaned.


1 comment:

  1. Great tip...gonna try it on my dishwasher right now! Hugs girl!


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