It has been a reminder of all the tender mercies we have been bestowed with; as well as a sweet reminder of how much I love our extended family and how much I love my life. God is good and my husband is the best:)
Once again we were at Austin's parents for a fun filled weekend, where we took family pictures, and of course had a great time! Thank you Mom and Dad Lee for your constant open door policy to us. Constantly crashing and invading and making life more hectic and exciting!
The very next weekend we were off to the Robinson Wedding! (my oldest sister Nikelle)
Where we saw tons of family, old friends, and close friends and though it was short it was awesome! I so loved having an excuse to dash off to Utah.
The best part was having three couples crashing Nikelle's new place and making it into a large, hectic (just how us Bird's like it) sleepover. Thank you Nikelle for being so accommodating!! I was able to see one of closest friends Mckenzi and her husband Garrett and I loved it! Thank you Gallinger's for introducing us to the Nickel Arcade* It's always a pleasure to see my friends, even if it's short, it's always sweet and, yet again, another reminder how blessed I am to have met so many kindred spirits as a young teen, and even better, to have held onto those treasured relationships.
The wedding was stunning and so beautifully captured Nikelle and her vigor for life. Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped my parents. We are so fortunate <3
Austin was enjoying his two week break and spent it keeping busy and helping me around the house. He loved up Marlee and even planned dates and time together. We hiked the Claremont loop and reminded ourselves that we live only 2 miles from a beautiful loop that professional dirt bikers (whom we admire) ride often.. *Claremont Cool Factor
He patiently drove me all around finding pieces to decorate our home with, hung pictures on my wall while I bossed him around and bless his heart even let me order, for the first time, furniture
*Another landmark in becoming an adult!
This last weekend we had the absolute pleasure to play hostess to Austin's Mother Gina and we LOVED it!
We buzzed around our town, overwhelming her with all our favorites. Spent a few hours in Corona Del Mar, shopped around hobby lobby (which turns out even Austin loves), ate good food, laughed a lot and enjoyed each others company. We were so grateful for her efforts in making it out to see us.
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